If anyone were to ask me what it is about my job that I find so incredible, I would tell them that, hands down, it is the ability to bring my clients happiness. To make people laugh and smile, both during their session, and every time they look at their images after that.
It makes my heart so happy to see the emotion and joy that photography can bring to people and their families. I have experienced professional photography on a personal level and have been reduced to tears of overwhelming love, joy, and appreciation when I look back on these precious moments captured forever in a photograph.
I wish that everyone in the world could experience this same feeling.
Recently, my good friend Nikki, who is an incredibly talented Professional Photographer at Nicole Kathlyn Photography, held her annual Giving Back Contest. She received a record 112 entries, and I knew immediately that I needed to step up and do my part to give back to the community as well.
So, with all that being said, welcome to the 1st Annual Giving Back Contest. We all know that our community is filled with some amazing individuals who have fallen on hard times… maybe they’re battling an illness, have experienced a life-changing event, give selflessly of themselves to others, or just can’t seem to get ahead no matter how hard they try…
I’m asking EVERYONE who reads this to open their hearts and nominate someone you know who desperately needs the gift of photographic memories to remind them that there is beauty in everyday life to hold on to.
Nominating someone is easy! Just fill out the form below and you’re done! Be sure to double check email addresses, as winners will be contacted via email.
WINNER RECEIVES an All Inclusive Creative Portrait Session with Raindance Photography, all digital files from their session on USB with 4×6 colour reference prints AND a gorgeous 16×20” Barnboard Framed Print of their choice.
NOMINATOR OF WINNING NOMINEE RECEIVES a free session with all digital files provided via digital download gallery.
Your nomination and details of your nomination are 100% confidential. Contest is open for nominations until midnight Friday February 10th, 2017.
You’ve all been waiting patiently for the results of this year’s client appreciation contest, and I’m pretty excited to share them with you now! Just like last year, this draw is being held on a very special day – 1. It’s my 6 year business anniversary (yay!) and 2. It’s the Raindance Man’s birthday (he’s getting ooolllld……) 😛 In honour of this special day, we have once again decided to surprise one lucky client with a bonus prize! I won’t keep you waiting, read on for this years WINNERS!
GRAND PRIZE WINNER – Contestant No. 17 – Meaghan Gibson
Meaghan has won an All Inclusive Creative Portrait session (worth $847.50), which includes her portrait session, all high resolution digital files (between 35-60) on USB with print release in both colour and black and white as well as 4×6 colour reference prints on our luxurious deep matte paper. Congratulations Meaghan!!!
SECONDARY PRIZE 1 – Contestant No. 9 – Jaclyn de Jong
This prize was chosen by our Grand Prize winner. Meaghan chose Jaclyn’s adorable photo of Benny and Jackson snuggling at the beach. Jaclyn has won a $200 Gift Certificate to use towards her next portrait session. Congratulations Jaclyn!
Secondary Prize 2 – Contestant No. 2– Shannon Charland
This prize was determined by the number of Facebook votes received on their entry. Shannon’s gorgeous photo of her two little angels received a grand total of 73 votes! She has won an 11×14″ Gallery Wrap Canvas of her entry. Congratulations Shannon!
Secondary Prize 3 – Contestant No. 3 – Melissa Basinger
This prize was also determined by the number of Facebook votes received on their entry. Melissa’s photo of her sweet little man and his teddy bear received 60 votes. She has won an 11×14 Mounted Wall print of her entry. Congratulations Melissa!
Secondary Prize 4 – Contestant No. 17– Meaghan Gibson
Also determined by the number of Facebook votes received on their entry, Meaghan’s photo of Shea at his newborn session received a total of 56 votes, winning her a $100 Gift Certificate to use towards her next session! Congrats Meaghan! Who’s with me in urging Meaghan to go and buy some lottery tickets tonight!?!?! lol!
And finally…
SURPRISE BONUS PRIZE! – Contestant No. 7– Dakota Moncada
This prize was chosen in honour of my 6th Business Anniversary today by none other than the Raindance Birthday Boy (aka my husband)! He chose Dakota’s entry because the story resonated with him the most. She wins an 11×4″ framed print of her entry inside a gorgeous Barnboard Sawyer Wallflower Frame! Congratulations Dakota!
Thanks again to everyone, and congrats to all the winners!
I get asked frequently (usually during newborn sessions), how I have so much patience for doing what I do. If you’ve ever witnessed a newborn session, you know that the vast majority of the time there is a lot of rocking, feeding, soothing, shushing, crouching, breath holding, sweating, cleaning up poop, more rocking, more soothing, more feeding…. very slowly wrapping and unwrapping babies so that they stay asleep so that I can mould them and pose them just so…. very carefully positioning little hands and feet perfectly and p.a.i.n.f.u.l.l.y slowly removing my hands to take my shot… Many of these sessions last anywhere from 2-4 hours, and I’ve watched so many parents wonder how I could possibly want to do that 2 or 3 times a week (or ever, lol).
The truth is, I LOVE what I do. If all I ever did was newborn sessions for the rest of my life, I would be one happy girl! There is literally NOTHING more satisfying than being able to freeze this time forever for tired new parents to look back on when their little one has grown faster than they ever imagined. By the time they see their images for the first time, a few weeks after their session, already their baby has changed so much. I love documenting flaky little overcooked fingers and toes, fuzzy ears, delicate little eyelashes, milk bubbles on sleepy little lips, the way a new baby curls back to the way they were in the womb… I could go on…
What’s even MORE fascinating to me than the newborn session alone though? Getting to watch that new tiny human grow! It usually feels like I just blink, and before I know it I’m doing a one year session for a newborn client. It’s during these one year sessions that the reason for what I do is really driven home. To see how much a human being changes and grows and learns in the first year of their life is astounding! I do what I do (and LOVE to do what I do) because pictures never grow old. Every tick of the clock, every minute of every day that passes by we are all growing older, changing, learning…. every minute that goes by shapes us into the new person that we grow into. That is probably most evident in the first year of life. My job is to freeze moments in time, so that when our memories begin to fade, photographs will still be around to help us and our loved ones remember these moments.
I would ramble on forever about why I love my job so much, and why it’s so fascinating… but instead I’ll just let the images speak for themselves… Enjoy seeing each one of these babies during their newborn session, and again one year later!
(And if you’d like to take advantage of the February Promotion, email me soon! Spaces are nearly filled! Save $150 off regular priced newborn sessions and $200 off first year sessions!)
Raindance Photography is Barrie’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
It’s been a while since I’ve done a little behind the scenes, pre-editing, before and after sneak peek of an image. I love doing these to stress the importance of SAFELY photographing babies and children. So many images that you see online are either composites (more than one image combined into one final image) or are artfully retouched to remove supports that have been put into place to safely prop a baby into a pose. I like to show these so that you know what you should be expecting from a professional photographer. If you ever feel that your baby or child is unsafe during your photo session, you should always speak up.
In the case shown below, this adorable little dude was here for his 6 month milestone session. He was JUST sitting on his own. Because he was just sitting on his own, neither Mom or I felt comfortable with leaving it to chance that he could sit in this trench bowl without falling over. For safety, I directed mom on where to sit and asked her to hold him steady while I made my image. I later removed her in photoshop, leaving us with this sweet little work of art.
If you’re on the hunt for a baby photographer and happen to want a session in the month of February, I just happen to be having a ridiculously awesome promo going on right now! Click HERE to find out more!
I have a big, exciting promotion available! Book your session for the month of February and receive a huge discount off regular session pricing! This promotion applies to all types of sessions (Family, Cake Smash, Baby’s First Year Milestones, Maternity, Pets, and even Newborns!)
Please contact me for pricing (info@raindancephoto.ca)
Booking Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 2pm
(Newborns typically booked at 10am)
I look forward to hearing from you! 😉
I pretty much look forward to this moment from the very beginning of the year each year! There is nothing I love more than being able to host a contest as a big huge “Thank You” to every one of the clients who chooses to hire me each year. You could have chosen any one of a massive quantity of other photographers in this area, but you didn’t. You chose me, and for that, I am truly thankful!
So, in appreciation, each year I host this end of the year contest where you have an opportunity to win everything from an entirely free session to gift cards, canvas, and a mounted print!
So, What Are These Prizes!?
Grand Prize (Winner selected via random.org) – Complimentary All Inclusive Portrait Session
Secondary Prize 1 – $200 Gift Certificate to use towards any Raindance Photography service. I’m really excited about Secondary Prize 1, as it will be chosen by the Grand prize winner! The Grand Prize winner will be required to go through the entries and select which one they think most deserves this prize!
Secondary Prize 2 (Winner calculated by number of Facebook Votes Received) – 11×14 Gallery Wrap Canvas (1″) of the entry submitted.
Secondary Prize 3 (Winner calculated by number of Facebook Votes Received) – 11×14 Mounted Wall Print of the entry submitted.
Secondary Prize 4 (Winner calculated by number of Facebook Votes Received) – $100 Gift Certificate to use towards any Raindance Service.
How Do We Enter?
1. Choose 1 favourite image from your session(s) with me in 2016.
2. Tell me WHY it is your favourite image! (In one paragraph or less)
Entering this year couldn’t be easier. Just CLICK HERE and fill out the form, upload your image, and press “submit!”
Deadline for submissions is January 30, 2017, at midnight.
When Will Voting Begin?
The Contest Album will be uploaded to Facebook on FridayDecember 23, 2016. Voting will run until January 30, 2017, at midnight. Winners will be announced on January 31, 2017, via the Raindance Photography Blog.
Well, busy season is finally starting to come to a close (phew!) which means that I can sit back and enjoy the holiday season, catch up on some blogging, and plan for the New Year!
For the last three years, my year has ended with a cake smash (this year it will end with a newborn) so I thought that today I would share a super fun cookie monster themed cake smash that I did back in the Summer for a super special little guy! I was over the moon excited when mom sent me this theme as an option for Reid’s cake smash, and I was even MORE excited when Reid came in and loved every second of it! I just love cake smashes – watching these tiny humans experience new tastes and textures for the first time is always a riot, you just never know what sort of reaction you’re going to get! I couldn’t believe how fast one year flew by… it seemed like just a few days had passed since Reid’s Newborn Session (see that HERE) before he was suddenly ONE!
Do you have a little one celebrating their first birthday soon? Contact me to book their first birthday portraits today!
Raindance Photography is Barrie’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
If you’re a pet owner, you know that a pet is more than just a random animal roaming around your house. They are your friend and companion, they know when you’re feeling sad, upset, or scared; they motivate you and love you without judgment. Their mere presence is therapeutic.
This year, we lost one of our furry friends (Speckles the hamster) and as a result of her sudden passing, we found ourselves with a new furry friend (Jeff the hamster). Well, Jeff and Spots (our remaining hamster) found themselves making friends one day (thank you to my children) and suddenly POOF! 10 more little fur babies appeared in our hamster cage one morning. Imagine that. Lol
It was witnessing this life cycle that lead me to contemplate our other beloved fur-baby, Reese the cat. She is 15 and aging quickly. I realized that I needed to photograph her now, so that we have a beautiful heirloom of her to cherish forever. This realization lead me to have an intense desire to help other people have beautiful heirloom portraits of their beloved fur babies too!
As such, I will be holding an all-day mini event devoted to Pets only! Every single penny raised will be donated to the Barrie Branch of the OSPCA to help them care for all of the furry friends who are currently waiting for their forever homes.
If you have a pet who would love to have their photo taken on Saturday November 26th, 2016, between 10am-5pm here at the Raindance Studio, please CLICK HERE and fill out the form to book!
Cost is only $40
Sessions are 10 minutes in length
You will receive 1 digital file of your choice via digital download within 2 weeks of your session.
The OSPCA is currently in need of financial donations as well as donations of the following items:
~ X-Strong X-large garbage bags (need to be strong enough to half fill with dirty litter and make it the garbage bin without ripping)
~ 6’ leashes
~ Martingale collars of all sizes
~ fun cat toys
~ Towels
~ Blankets
If you bring in one of these items in addition to your $40 Creative Fee, you will automatically receive an 8×10 print of your pet as well! Also, anyone who participates in this event can enter to win a family photo session of their full family in the Spring! So come on out, support our local OSPCA Branch, receive an awesome heirloom portrait of your fur-baby and be entered to win a full family session! I can’t wait to work with your fur babies!
I met baby Carson back in July for his newborn session in my Barrie photography studio. He was such a great little guy! I was seriously on a run of luck with some amazing little sleepers this summer! My fingers are crossed that the next batch coming up in November are all just as easy! 😉
It’s not often that I get around to photographing client orders before they go out the door (I’m usually too excited to get them to clients to take the time for pictures) but this particular time I did take photographs of the beautiful heirloom products that baby Carson will get to cherish for his lifetime. Some clients only want digital files, and that’s fine. But for the clients who want hard, tangible items that are high quality, I am proud to be one of the professional photographers in the area who is able to help out with that.
If you are interested in booking a session, please contact me! Anyone who books between now and December 31st will receive $200 off any package of their choice!
Every day, Carson’s family gets to enjoy a beautiful 10×8 Heirloom Album, a 16×20 Canvas, a framed wall display, a set of 3 accordion albums, 4×6 loose prints, and the entire gallery of digital files.
The week before school started in September, I met up with this fabulous family to update their family portraits. I feel like when I say “update their portraits” it sounds so impersonal… technically, that’s what I’m doing… but what I’m REALLY setting out to do is more magical than that… Every portrait session I go in to, I’m going in with the goal of capturing the essence of a person’s soul – the deep connections that each person has with other members of their family… the LOVE that runs throughout a family unit. I LOVE being able to connect with each child to draw out their true spirit, to capture it forever in a photograph (and anyone who’s ever worked with me knows that my inner goofball comes out to make this happen!) 😛
There is nothing more special for me than sitting down with clients a few weeks after their session and watching their reactions as they see their images for the first time. I’ve seen tears of joy, laughter, and life-changing revelations when parents see just how their children SEE them for the first time. Sometimes, we are so caught up in the race of every day life that we forget to slow down and see how those little eyes see us, as parents. Photographs freeze those fleeting moments for you to cherish for a lifetime. Those moments are why I am so very passionate about what I do. If you would like me to help you preserve some of these moments, please Contact Me today – my calendar is nearly full from now until the New Year, and I am holding a $200 off promotion until I’m fully booked! I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂
Raindance Photography is Barrie’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
What an amazing experience! Stephanie was super comfortable to work with and exceeded all expectations!
Stephanie is an amazing photographer who is very friendly and professional. We have always enjoyed ourselves and have felt comfortable and relaxed during our photo sessions with her. She is the type of person you feel like you’ve known… Read more
I just loved doing our gender reveal photoshoot. It was so much fun and I just love the pictures. I can’t stop looking at the blog!! I can’t believe I am having another girl! It is so awesome to have that moment captured forever.… Read more
Great with my baby and offers lots of choice!
We have been clients of Raindance Photography for years. She has documented my child’s life from around age one, and I treasure all of the photos she has taken. My son has some significant disabilities, and Stephanie has always been ki… Read more
Stephanie did our Newborn and mommy and me photos this year and did such an amazing job! The way she handled our daughter during the newborn session had my husband and I in awe.. she was so calm/gentle and so professional. I Highly rec… Read more
Loved our family photo’s! Very accommodating and great with kids 🙂 Excellent Customer Service! Nothing but 5*’s for Raindance Photography!
Amazing photographer, some of our best family photos are from Stephanie.
Just wanted to say thank you for the GREAT experience! I was so disappointed at the hospital when the nurses were too busy to get a family picture of the 3 of us. After having our photo session with you, I felt a lot better. You … Read more
We have had the pleasure of using Stephanie at Raindance Photography for at least 3 extended family photo shoots. Her work is lovely, she is friendly, great at communication and so adaptive when working with our family with ages baby t… Read more
Stephanie is amazing. She is always calm and able to capture great photos, even when the littles are not at their best! She is gentle, relaxed, and the children always respond to her! She does amazing work.
Steph did my son’s cake smash pictures for his first birthday & they were AMAZING. My family absolutely loved them all! We had a wonderful experience too, very professional, friendly & outgoing. We got the best smiles out of my little … Read more
Stephanie made our newborn session a special experience! Her studio is clean, organized, and professional. She totally takes control by helping sooth the baby. She definitely has the most care and patience I’ve seen and a special vi… Read more
From boudoir to kids to family – this lady will amaze you with her ability to capture your moment! The kids photos are so life-like, real… showing the personality, the age, innocence, and mischievousness! Family portraits are fun, r… Read more
Stephanie has been taking our family photos for years and they never disappoint! She’s amazing with the kids and always gets so many great shots that I have a hard time making decisions on which to get. Pro tip – get the package that i… Read more
Words can’t express the amount of admiration I have for this photographer. She is capturing all of the biggest moments of my familys life. She has a natural talent that you cannot teach anyone. Her pictures are beautiful and she is so … Read more
We have been having our photos taken with Steph at least once a year for the past few years! Every time I book an appointment, I am so excited. she is amazing with kids and always gets pictures when I don’t think we will. We are st… Read more
My husband and I have had the pleasure of working with Stephanie 3 times now and it was always a wonderful experience. She makes you feel very comfortable in front of the camera and she was also just amazing with my son when he was onl… Read more
Stephanie from Raindance Photography did our amazing family photos, she was absolutely fantastic. My family “may” have been at each other’s throats mere seconds before arriving at her studio, but with her friendly, easy-going nature, … Read more
I am a firm believer in the importance of recommendation. I think that when someone, or a company (big or small) goes above and beyond your expectations you should not only tell them, but tell others! My husband and I had such a diff… Read more