Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio newborn photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your in-studio or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
2024 was a year full of the challenges and ups and downs that I know many small businesses have faced lately. I know the economy hasn’t been wonderful, and that makes me even more grateful to each and every one of you for choosing me, for trusting me to capture your special moments and memories. I very much look forward to continuing to grow through these challenges, and I have so much hope and vision for the future of Raindance Photography.
2025 will be a year of personal and professional growth for me. I have so much planned – from an entire years’ line up of Mini Events to investing in professional development and honing my skill. I am looking forward to spending time in all of my favourite places between Barrie, Midland, Penetanguishene, Callander, North Bay and beyond photographing all of your beautiful smiling faces; your sweet, brand new squishy newborns, and your favourite furry friends too!
I am wishing you all the warmest wishes for a safe and Happy New Year and health and abundance for the year to come.
Stephanie, Your Photographer 😉
It’s that time again! I know it’s only February, but time flies, and pretty soon the snow will be gone and I will be back in Barrie to see all of your beautiful smiling faces again! 😀
If you pre-registered for this event, you’ve been contacted via email (check junk folders if you haven’t received anything, or email me at info@raindancephoto.ca and ask me to resend the info if you can’t find anything). If you haven’t yet submitted your booking forms and deposit, the timeslots have been reopened.
If you’ve been waiting for dates and details before booking, here ya go! 😛
Friday June 7, 2024 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 8 :00pm
Saturday June 8, 2024 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm
Friday July 19, 2024 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, 7:15pm and 8:00pm
Saturday July 20, 2024 @ 5:45pm, 6:30pm, and 7:15pm
Friday August 23, 2024 @ 4:45pm, 5:30pm and 7 :00
Saturday August 24, 2024 @ 4:45pm and 5:30pm
WHERE? Due to backdrop variety and rain cover in the event of inclement weather, these sessions will be held at Sunnidale Park in Barrie (all photos you’ve seen me post relating to this event have taken place at this location).
COST? There are two packages available, please see booking contract for details: http://raindancephoto.ca/mach/view.php?id=75957
If you would like to snag one of these portrait sessions, please fill out this booking link and submit electronically to get the ball rolling. I will get back to you with a proposed timeslot within 48 hours and deposit will be required to confirm. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can’t wait to come back and see all of your smiling faces again this year!
I miss you all!
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio newborn photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your in-studio or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
Once upon a time, I lived in Barrie. My business was born there, and it was there where it grew to be what it is today. When I moved away in 2019, I vowed to come back to see whoever wanted to see me for portraits at least once each year for as long as I could.
This year, I’m able to make it back just once, and there are still a few time slots available while I’m in town! 🙂
WHEN? Sunday August 20th (Available Appointment times at 5:15pm and 7:30pm remaining) & Monday August 21st at 7am.
WHERE? Due to backdrop variety and rain cover in the event of inclement weather, these sessions will be held at Sunnidale Park in Barrie.
COST? There are four packages available, please see booking contract for details: http://raindancephoto.ca/mach/view.php?id=75957
If you would like to snag one of these portrait sessions, please fill out this booking link and submit electronically to get the ball rolling. I will get back to you with a proposed timeslot within 48 hours and deposit will be required to confirm. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can’t wait to come back and see all of your smiling faces again this year!
I miss you all!
Much love,
I know, I know. “It’s only JULY, Stephanie!” I can hear all of you screaming curses at me from the rooftop for even thinking about Christmas Minis in July. BUT, I shall remind you folks (lol) that I do this every year, so it should be no surprise that this craziness really DOES start now, AND it’s already almost 70% booked up! At this time, the event offered is for the BARRIE AREA (but don’t worry North Bay/Callander and areas, I’m planning one for you too, at the introductory price point!)
So, Barrie Area folks, if you haven’t yet signed up, now’s your chance! Booking opened to my Exclusive Group of existing clients on Monday evening and of the 19 timeslots opened, only 6 remain (at the time of the publishing of this blog post).
These sessions aren’t overly “propped” so you can hang them on your walls year round, make a fun album to remember your family and children at this time in your lives, or even make your annual Christmas cards with them!
WHEN? Saturday October 26, 2019 from 8:40am-5pm (Rain Date is Sunday October 27, 2019, same times)
WHERE? Drysdales Tree Farm, Egbert
HOW MUCH? $199+hst. $100+hst due on booking with the remainder due the day of your session.
WHAT’S INCLUDED? 20 minute session, 5 digital files of your choice, private online ordering gallery, 50% off Holiday Cards and access to the Promotional Pricing Menu for any gift prints, products, or upgrades.
Please fill out this form to book:http://raindancephoto.ca/
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
For the last two years, I can credit the Shoot & Share Competition as the driving force behind much of my renewed inspiration, determination, and motivation to keep the creative juices flowing and business moving forward. Usually, by the end of each year, my inspiration is running at an all time low, so the timing of this International Competition is perfect – submissions start in January, voting happens in February-March, and then by the time the results are released mid-end of March I am SO PUMPED with inspiration that I cannot WAIT to take the jumble and mish mash of ideas and inspiration that the contest has infused into me and apply it to all of my client sessions in the year ahead.
Inspiration was my main purpose for entering the contest – the results that followed were humbling and so very exciting for me! This year, there were over 412,000 images submitted by thousands of photographers worldwide. Each round, thousands of images were removed, leaving only the top performing images still remaining in the contest. Here is a statistical image to break it down for you:
Last year, I did well enough to be happy. This year, I had three finalist images, and a boat load of the rest of my images placed in the Top 10, 20, and 30% (and out of over 412,000 submissions, I think that’s pretty darned awesome!)
I promised that I would show you all which images were my top performing in the 2018 Shoot & Share Competition – here they are! Most of them are from client sessions in 2017 – scroll through and see if there are any from YOUR session! 🙂
To see 1st to 20th place winners from this years’ competition – CLICK HERE
My top performing image was from the Passion Portraits category of sweet old Nikita on her last day before crossing the Rainbow Bridge. I was so happy to see how well this one did – I will be blogging Nikita’s session very soon! Watch for it!
It’s that time of year again! Tree Farm Family Minis are now open to the public! There are only TWO timeslots left at this time, so if you want in, act fast!
Sessions are taking place at the Tree Farm in Thornton, Ontario on Saturday September 23rd, 2017. The package this year is the same as last year – $199+HST for your 30 minute session and 5 digital files of your choice delivered via online download. Upgrade options are available (please feel free to email info@raindancephoto.ca for full upgrade package options).
Current remaining timeslots are:
4pm – BOOKED
4:30pm – BOOKED
5pm – BOOKED
5:30pm – BOOKED
If you’d like to snag your timeslot, please CLICK HERE to fill out your booking form.
The booking form also contains information about additional package inclusions and discounts.
Looking forward to working with you soon!
Raindance Photography
Raindance Photography is Barrie’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
I know, I know… we’re in the final stretch of Summer Holidays and the last thing you want to hear about is the fact that the leaves are about to start changing colours and the temperature is going to go South before long… However, in the land of Professional Photography, now is the time when our calendars are filling up so it is my humble duty to put this out there for all of you who have been considering family portraits this Fall. 😛
For some of you, updating your family portraits is a regular thing. I personally update mine every two years… but for the rest of you out there, you may have never experienced custom professional photography before, and you might be wondering why in the world you should start now? Let me answer that for you…
Why Should I Have Family Portraits Done?
Well… once upon a time, you probably had a sweet little baby that you held in your arms and rocked to sleep each night while feeling like you’d never get a good night sleep again…But there’s no way that you’d trade the feel of that warm, snuggly little sleeping body for anything… Then, maybe you had the cute albeit mischievous little toddler, who wreaked havoc around the house, but then redeemed themselves in the cutest possible way right before you lost your mind and you’ll never forget that look that they had that melted your heart each time… Then there was the sass that came with the school years, and the look of concentration on their little faces while they learned so many fascinating new things…
And now here you are today, and your children have morphed into new little people. Gone is the little baby and the mischievous toddler, and you’d give anything to have them back for just a day. They’re there in your memory, but you’ll notice with each passing year that the memories get just a tad bit more fuzzy. When I first starting photographing my children and having my own family portraits done professionally, I was SO excited to see the end results, to print them in albums and hang them on my walls. They meant so much to me to have at first, but what I didn’t anticipate was how much MORE they’d mean to me years down the road. My children are now almost 7 and 9, and when I see portraits of them and our family from 3 or 4 years ago it literally boggles my mind how much we’ve all changed. We are all new people now, changing constantly, and my heart will forever be grateful to have these moments in our lives frozen forever in portraits, from the perspective of a professional photographer, who is trained to see special little moments differently than the average person.
So, back to the question then – Why should YOU have family portraits done? Simple. To take your lives, which are flying by at mach speed, and freeze them in time for just one evening, so that you can look back on them forever. So that one day, when your children are older, you can open up that album and have that “remember when?” chat with them. Family portraits are one of my favourite types of sessions, because I get to capture the bonds that exist within your family – so that Mom can finally see how her children adore her, and so dad can see how his children look at him when he doesn’t notice. Believe me folks, it’s an eye opener and an amazing experience that I look forward to for my own family each and every time.
How Can You Book?
Simply email info@raindancephoto.ca OR use the Contact Form on my website to contact me directly. There are only a few dates left for the Fall, so don’t wait too long! I’m HIGHLY recommending clients take advantage of the Limited Edition Sunrise sessions this season – I know it seems early, but the light is better than any other time of day, making for some truly amazing portraits!
The week before school started in September, I met up with this fabulous family to update their family portraits. I feel like when I say “update their portraits” it sounds so impersonal… technically, that’s what I’m doing… but what I’m REALLY setting out to do is more magical than that… Every portrait session I go in to, I’m going in with the goal of capturing the essence of a person’s soul – the deep connections that each person has with other members of their family… the LOVE that runs throughout a family unit. I LOVE being able to connect with each child to draw out their true spirit, to capture it forever in a photograph (and anyone who’s ever worked with me knows that my inner goofball comes out to make this happen!) 😛
There is nothing more special for me than sitting down with clients a few weeks after their session and watching their reactions as they see their images for the first time. I’ve seen tears of joy, laughter, and life-changing revelations when parents see just how their children SEE them for the first time. Sometimes, we are so caught up in the race of every day life that we forget to slow down and see how those little eyes see us, as parents. Photographs freeze those fleeting moments for you to cherish for a lifetime. Those moments are why I am so very passionate about what I do. If you would like me to help you preserve some of these moments, please Contact Me today – my calendar is nearly full from now until the New Year, and I am holding a $200 off promotion until I’m fully booked! I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂
Raindance Photography is Barrie’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, and family photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact info@raindancephoto.ca
I recently photographed this gorgeous family at The Beach here in Barrie. They were the second last session of the summer before school started again, and I couldn’t believe how much the girls had grown over the last year! I have been fortunate enough to be photographing this family for a while now, and have absolutely loved watching them grow!
The weather is starting to change, and I think my remaining days at the beach this year are numbered, so I’m enjoying them while I can! I now only have THREE dates left for the outdoor Fall Family promo, so if you’re interested please don’t wait to book or you might miss out! Contact me today to book!
What an amazing experience! Stephanie was super comfortable to work with and exceeded all expectations!
Stephanie is an amazing photographer who is very friendly and professional. We have always enjoyed ourselves and have felt comfortable and relaxed during our photo sessions with her. She is the type of person you feel like you’ve known… Read more
I just loved doing our gender reveal photoshoot. It was so much fun and I just love the pictures. I can’t stop looking at the blog!! I can’t believe I am having another girl! It is so awesome to have that moment captured forever.… Read more
Great with my baby and offers lots of choice!
We have been clients of Raindance Photography for years. She has documented my child’s life from around age one, and I treasure all of the photos she has taken. My son has some significant disabilities, and Stephanie has always been ki… Read more
Stephanie did our Newborn and mommy and me photos this year and did such an amazing job! The way she handled our daughter during the newborn session had my husband and I in awe.. she was so calm/gentle and so professional. I Highly rec… Read more
Loved our family photo’s! Very accommodating and great with kids 🙂 Excellent Customer Service! Nothing but 5*’s for Raindance Photography!
Amazing photographer, some of our best family photos are from Stephanie.
Just wanted to say thank you for the GREAT experience! I was so disappointed at the hospital when the nurses were too busy to get a family picture of the 3 of us. After having our photo session with you, I felt a lot better. You … Read more
We have had the pleasure of using Stephanie at Raindance Photography for at least 3 extended family photo shoots. Her work is lovely, she is friendly, great at communication and so adaptive when working with our family with ages baby t… Read more
Stephanie is amazing. She is always calm and able to capture great photos, even when the littles are not at their best! She is gentle, relaxed, and the children always respond to her! She does amazing work.
Steph did my son’s cake smash pictures for his first birthday & they were AMAZING. My family absolutely loved them all! We had a wonderful experience too, very professional, friendly & outgoing. We got the best smiles out of my little … Read more
Stephanie made our newborn session a special experience! Her studio is clean, organized, and professional. She totally takes control by helping sooth the baby. She definitely has the most care and patience I’ve seen and a special vi… Read more
From boudoir to kids to family – this lady will amaze you with her ability to capture your moment! The kids photos are so life-like, real… showing the personality, the age, innocence, and mischievousness! Family portraits are fun, r… Read more
Stephanie has been taking our family photos for years and they never disappoint! She’s amazing with the kids and always gets so many great shots that I have a hard time making decisions on which to get. Pro tip – get the package that i… Read more
Words can’t express the amount of admiration I have for this photographer. She is capturing all of the biggest moments of my familys life. She has a natural talent that you cannot teach anyone. Her pictures are beautiful and she is so … Read more
We have been having our photos taken with Steph at least once a year for the past few years! Every time I book an appointment, I am so excited. she is amazing with kids and always gets pictures when I don’t think we will. We are st… Read more
My husband and I have had the pleasure of working with Stephanie 3 times now and it was always a wonderful experience. She makes you feel very comfortable in front of the camera and she was also just amazing with my son when he was onl… Read more
Stephanie from Raindance Photography did our amazing family photos, she was absolutely fantastic. My family “may” have been at each other’s throats mere seconds before arriving at her studio, but with her friendly, easy-going nature, … Read more
I am a firm believer in the importance of recommendation. I think that when someone, or a company (big or small) goes above and beyond your expectations you should not only tell them, but tell others! My husband and I had such a diff… Read more