Crisp, Fall air and the sweet smells of baked apples and pumpkin spice make my heart beat faster. Yes, I’m one of THOSE people. I LIVE for photographing families on the beautiful, fiery backdrop of fallen leaves. Last year, I didn’t get the opportunity to photograph many families during peak colours, as I had just undergone surgery. I was pretty excited when I was finally able to pick up my camera again, and when I did, this lovely little family were the first (and only) ones I got to photograph before the leaves had all fallen and the opportunity had passed for other families.
This year, now that we are living in Callander, where the leaves change sooner than they do down South, I’m super excited to have a handful of dates available to photograph families, children, pets and couples during the peak of this season’s beauty.
If you are interested in booking a session in North Bay or Callander during the last week of September/first week of October, please fill out this form and I will get you on the calendar:
For now, enjoy a few of my favourites of this adorable family from last year! 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
In my last blog post, I talked about different packages that are available to suit every client’s needs. Whether that package includes just a handful of beautiful images to fit on a particular wall space, or whether that package includes every single image in a gallery to fill heirloom albums, multiple wall spaces, scrapbooks, or just because there’s no way you can pick and you just want them all! The last blog post showcased a session I had done in the Spring , and was an example of a mini session where my clients just needed a few new images to freshen up their walls. The session I’m about to show you (one of my FAVOURITES from right before I moved to Callander from Barrie), is an example of a FULL session, which includes the ENTIRE gallery!
Curious about pricing? Right now, until the end of the year, if your session takes place in Callander, North Bay, or immediate surrounding areas, you can take advantage of Introductory Pricing, which believe me, is a fabulous deal!
Also, I’ve had inquiries about whether or not I will be offering Fall Family Minis in North Bay this year, and the answer is YES! If there is enough interest, I will be opening a late afternoon when the leaves are expected to be at their peak where I will be able to see up to 5 families for Fall Family Portraits! These will be at the mini session promotional price point. If you are interested in securing yourself a spot early, feel free to email me at and I will forward you some booking forms. If you’re more interested in a full session experience, where we can take up to a full hour to create fun, beautiful memories for your family, I am now booking weekday evenings in September and October at 5 and 6pm.
I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have, and very much look forward to the opportunity of working with your family soon! 😀
Raindance Photography
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
I have some clients who come to me and they already know that they want every single beautiful image in their gallery. And that’s awesome! I have some clients who come to me and they already know that they only need a handful of beautiful images to fill a very particular space on their wall. And that’s awesome too! Ultimately, what I want for my clients is to capture some precious memories for them, at this very time in their lives, whether it’s 5 handfuls worth of memories or just one. My client’s needs all vary greatly, and that’s why I have packages and options to suit just about everyone.
As most of you know by now, I have relocated to Callander, Ontario. I’m beginning to meet new faces from all over the North (Powassan, Corbeil, Astorville, Callander, North Bay, Mattawa, Sturgeon Falls, etc. etc) and I’m loving it! I’ve been loving my time on the beaches and fields in this beautiful place, and I’m starting to really look forward to FALL FAMILY PORTRAITS! I will soon be releasing details for Fall Family Minis, to take place at some point in the Fall when the leaf colour is at it’s peak, in North Bay. The packages will include a handful of images for a low introductory price (which, by the way, if you haven’t yet secured your session at this years’ introductory pricing, you should do that before it expires at the end of the year!) 😉
If you’re in the market for updating family portraits this Fall, keep an eye on this website, my Facebook Page, and Instagram Feed for more details when they’re released!
For now, here’s a beautiful handful of images that I created for one of my favourite families back in Barrie this Spring the week before I left. 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
I know, I know. “It’s only JULY, Stephanie!” I can hear all of you screaming curses at me from the rooftop for even thinking about Christmas Minis in July. BUT, I shall remind you folks (lol) that I do this every year, so it should be no surprise that this craziness really DOES start now, AND it’s already almost 70% booked up! At this time, the event offered is for the BARRIE AREA (but don’t worry North Bay/Callander and areas, I’m planning one for you too, at the introductory price point!)
So, Barrie Area folks, if you haven’t yet signed up, now’s your chance! Booking opened to my Exclusive Group of existing clients on Monday evening and of the 19 timeslots opened, only 6 remain (at the time of the publishing of this blog post).
These sessions aren’t overly “propped” so you can hang them on your walls year round, make a fun album to remember your family and children at this time in your lives, or even make your annual Christmas cards with them!
WHEN? Saturday October 26, 2019 from 8:40am-5pm (Rain Date is Sunday October 27, 2019, same times)
WHERE? Drysdales Tree Farm, Egbert
HOW MUCH? $199+hst. $100+hst due on booking with the remainder due the day of your session.
WHAT’S INCLUDED? 20 minute session, 5 digital files of your choice, private online ordering gallery, 50% off Holiday Cards and access to the Promotional Pricing Menu for any gift prints, products, or upgrades.
Please fill out this form to book:
Raindance Photography is Callander’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Callander, North Bay, Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
As promised, here is the second of two newborn blogs today! I first met this little lady back before Easter, 2018. Her parents had waited and hoped for her for a long time and you could feel the absolute love that this new little family had for each other when they entered my studio! Over the course of the following year, I was honoured to watch this sweet girl grow as she learned to sit and crawl…capturing her first Christmas portraits in a dress made especially for the occasion by her grandmother made my heart feel happy. The “special-ness” of these little moments is not lost on me, when I’m entrusted to be someones family photographer. I take my job very seriously, as these are fleeting times that we can’t get back. And when I say I take my job seriously, that means that behind the scenes, I’m working seriously hard to make sure that this experience is enjoyable and memorable for you and that the end product will be cherished for a lifetime… when you meet me for your actual session though, I’m a total goofball… I sometimes worry what people are thinking as we walk back to our cars! LOL!!! A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to get genuine smiles! 😉
Anyhow, the countdown to moving day is still on (22 days left!) I am now accepting bookings for clients who live in or are willing to travel to the North Bay/Callander Region. If you or anyone you know is looking for a session, you can find my newest pricing here for newborns: and here for everything else:
And now, here is Miss Katelynn’s first year – enjoy! 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
It’s Friday! I thought I’d end off the week by blogging a fun beach-front cake smash that I had last summer with little Miss Sophia! It was such a beautiful night that night – warm and calm, with the most beautiful orange sunset… Have I mentioned yet how badly I can’t WAIT to get back out there in the beautiful weather!? 🙂
There are now 26 days left until we relocate to Callander, Ontario. All of my beach sessions this year will be happening on North Bay and Callander beaches, and if you’re interested in creative portrait pricing, click here:
Any questions at all, Contact Me using THIS FORM or email
For now, enjoy this adorable beach cake smash session! Have a great weekend, everyone! 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
My goal, if you haven’t already noticed, is to blog one session a day for the next 27 days, which brings me to moving day! As I’ve been sifting through all of my family sessions from last summer, it hit me that pretty much EVERYTHING I did (with the exception of I think 2 sessions) were done on the Beach! I think I mentioned in a previous blog post about how excited I am for beach sessions once I move North, as here in Barrie there is but one favourite lonely, beautiful little beach that all photographers in the area (and beach-goers alike) fight to utilize on beautiful summer evenings. I will so very much enjoy having more beaches to choose from! lol!
This lovely little family that I’m about to feature is another that I’ve been working with for years – I’ve been honoured to photograph birthdays, family sessions, maternity, newborn, milestones and cake smashes for them… it’s been a pleasure to watch these boys grow up! Thank you, Mama, for always choosing me! 🙂
If you’ve been thinking of a session this year, all of my outdoor sessions happen 2 hours after sunrise, or 2 hours before sunset (sunset is the most popular though, so if you want one of those timeslots, inquire soon!) My schedule this year in Callander/North Bay will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings at 6 and 7pm. I am now fully booked for Barrie for the remainder of May. I have four new digital packages available (and just for this year, I’m including my promotional mini pricing for the North Bay Region as well!) Typically, the promotional pricing is only available for themed events (like the Tree Farm) once or twice a year, but I’m making an exception this year as I rebuild my business in a new area – tell your friends! 😉
Click here for a sneak peek at the new digital packages available for booking for all creative portrait sessions beginning in June, 2019: (Newborn sessions are run differently than regular portrait sessions, so if you’re interested in one of those, please contact me and I’d be happy to send you pricing for those) 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
Oh, do I have a blog post for you today! I swear, I thought I’d shared these sessions when they happened (ages ago now!) But it appears I did not! I’ve got to admit, I’m feeling a little sentimental looking through all of these sessions that I haven’t shared yet. I’m very quickly realizing that some of the best friendships I’ve stumbled across over the years first began as clients. These fine folks are a perfect example of that!
Many years ago, before they were even married (when I was still offering wedding photography… I no longer do), I was contacted by a potential client who wanted to “try me out” before committing to hiring me for something as important as a wedding day. I met up with them not long later for a family session, and the rest is history! I’ve since photographed pretty much every major life event for these guys, and in the process, my family has fallen in love with their family. 😛
So today, as I contemplate the fact that in 29 more days we will be moving to Callander, I would like to say THANK YOU to this family for their years of loyalty to my business and valued friendship to my family. Here is Everley’s story!
Back in the Fall of 2017, I was entrusted with a little envelope that held the secret that every parent is usually DYING to find out (whether baby is a boy or a girl!) Mama dropped the envelope off to me and I set to work, cutting out thousands of little pink (and blue, to fool them when I showed them the bags) pieces of confetti, which I mixed with sparkles for a fun reveal. The absolute BEST part about this gender reveal was Spencer’s reaction to finding out he was having ANOTHER baby sister!
A few months later, I was honoured to capture some of my favourite maternity images of all time for this family! By then, Spencer was starting to come around to the idea that he was going to have another baby sister…
By the time this little gal arrived, I was about a week or two away from moving out of our old home and into our current home (I know, I know, I move a lot…I promise this move is the LAST move for a long while!) Anyhow, because my studio was all packed up in boxes, I decided to pack up what I could and head on over to them for an in-home session, which turned out to be a mish-mash of my usual studio style, infused with some lifestyle elements using their home as a backdrop. I loved how it turned out! And also, check out how SMITTEN Spencer was with his brand new baby sister! My heart melted!
Before we all knew it, time (as it does) flew right on by and we were planning for Everley’s first birthday portraits! Her parents requested lavender and teal on dark grey and I LOOOVED how it turned out! Anyhow, I’ve mentioned a few times this week, but I will again for anyone who missed it… I am relocating to Callander, Ontario, as of May 30, 2019. I will be accepting bookings in the North Bay/Callander area as of June, 2019. If you’re in the Barrie area and are interested in booking an in-studio session (outdoor evening sessions for May are now full) then please contact me using the contact page on this website or by emailing, as I have availability up until May 23rd.
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
I promised blogs, and blogs you will get! 😛 If you missed my Instagram stories yesterday, I was asking folks what kind of blogs they wanted to see more of and the answer was a mish mash of pretty much everything, from pets, to cake smashes, families, babies… but mostly NEWBORNS! So, I will be giving you ALL of that (there will be a pet blog a little later today), but for now, I will start with Miss Briar. Because I was honoured to watch Briar grow for the entire first year of her life, in this blog, I am able to show you maternity, newborn, 3 month milestone, sitter milestone, AND cake smash! From before she was born, I photographed her in her Mama’s tummy. When she arrived just before Christmas, she became my very last newborn of the year and I got to have some fun with a few Christmas sets! Throughout her first year, watching her grow and seeing her little personality come through was the sweetest thing (because as you’ll see, she really is a doll!) And finally, the set colours that her Mama requested for her first birthday portraits made my heart happy (lilac and aqua are my favourite!)
If you are interested in booking a studio session (great for newborns, babies, and birthday portraits), I do have some last minute availability in BARRIE on weekdays in May between 10am-2pm (CONTACT ME for exact dates).
If you are located in CALLANDER or NORTH BAY, I will have availability in my temporary studio while my permanent space is being built beginning the second week of June, weekdays between 9:30am-2pm. Click here for NEWBORN PRICING. Click here for CREATIVE PORTRAIT PRICING (which encompasses everything else). 🙂
And now, here is Briar’s first year! Her Mama came to see me in the Fall, while the leaves were bright and beautiful on the trees (I can’t wait to photograph families on the Fall Colours in the North Bay area this year!)
When I found out that Briar was on her way, I couldn’t WAIT to meet her! I photographed her big sister as a newborn when I first began my business, so I was honoured to have been trusted to photograph another baby for this family:
I didn’t think it was possible for this baby to get cuter, but every time she visited my studio that just kept happening… lol When she was about 3-4 months old, she visited my studio again:
Between the 6-9 month mark is usually when babies start to sit unassisted. This is when we capture the milestone during their “Sitter Sessions”…
And finally, the celebration session! Briar’s parents requested a cake smash for her first birthday portraits, using lilac and aqua colours. I love working with parents to make their visions come true for their little one’s very special first birthday session! When you book with me, you’ll be sent “booking forms”, which will capture all of your information as well as your vision (both visually and what you hope to DO with your portraits when you’ve received them back) so that I can help to make the whole experience as fabulous for you as possible!
Thanks so much to this family for trusting Raindance Photography to capture Briar’s first year and beyond!
If you are interested in booking a session for yourself, please contact me using the Contact Form on this website or by emailing 🙂
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
I am embarrassingly behind on blogging sessions (like, far enough behind that the fine folks I’m about to feature in this blog have had another baby since! lol!) I do have so much content that I want to share though, so I’m just going to start sharing! For anyone who doesn’t know, I photograph maternity, families (young and old!), babies in all stages, newborns, birthday portraits (including cake smashes) and even pets! I have so many sessions to share that I haven’t over the last year, I hope you’re ready for an influx of gorgeous photos! Subscribe to the blog if you’re interested in being notified when these come out (at the bottom of the page). 🙂
Anyhow, this little man’s session happened about a year ago in my studio (which will be moving to Callander, Ontario, as of May 30th this year!) I am available to take last minute newborn bookings in Barrie up until May 24, 2019, so if you’ve been meaning to book and haven’t yet or if, in May, you hear someone saying that they dropped the ball on booking their newborn portraits and can’t find a photographer with availability, send them my way! I have weekday availability at 10am for newborns until Friday May 24th. 🙂
I will begin accepting newborn bookings in my temporary Callander Studio (while my new studio is under construction) as of mid-June, 2019. For anyone interested in newborn pricing, please click here:
Ever wonder what an “entire gallery” of newborn portraits looks like from a “Full Session”? Scroll down to see! (Set colours are determined based on client responses to their “Styling Questionnaire”, which they receive while booking their session.)
Raindance Photography is Callander and North Bay’s exclusive newborn, baby, child, family, maternity and pet photographer. Specializing in studio photography and outdoor portrait sessions and servicing clients from Barrie, Orillia, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Callander, North Bay, Midland, and Penetanguishene since 2011. To book your indoor or outdoor photo session with Raindance Photography, please contact
What an amazing experience! Stephanie was super comfortable to work with and exceeded all expectations!
Stephanie is an amazing photographer who is very friendly and professional. We have always enjoyed ourselves and have felt comfortable and relaxed during our photo sessions with her. She is the type of person you feel like you’ve known… Read more
I just loved doing our gender reveal photoshoot. It was so much fun and I just love the pictures. I can’t stop looking at the blog!! I can’t believe I am having another girl! It is so awesome to have that moment captured forever.… Read more
Great with my baby and offers lots of choice!
We have been clients of Raindance Photography for years. She has documented my child’s life from around age one, and I treasure all of the photos she has taken. My son has some significant disabilities, and Stephanie has always been ki… Read more
Stephanie did our Newborn and mommy and me photos this year and did such an amazing job! The way she handled our daughter during the newborn session had my husband and I in awe.. she was so calm/gentle and so professional. I Highly rec… Read more
Loved our family photo’s! Very accommodating and great with kids 🙂 Excellent Customer Service! Nothing but 5*’s for Raindance Photography!
Amazing photographer, some of our best family photos are from Stephanie.
Just wanted to say thank you for the GREAT experience! I was so disappointed at the hospital when the nurses were too busy to get a family picture of the 3 of us. After having our photo session with you, I felt a lot better. You … Read more
We have had the pleasure of using Stephanie at Raindance Photography for at least 3 extended family photo shoots. Her work is lovely, she is friendly, great at communication and so adaptive when working with our family with ages baby t… Read more
Stephanie is amazing. She is always calm and able to capture great photos, even when the littles are not at their best! She is gentle, relaxed, and the children always respond to her! She does amazing work.
Steph did my son’s cake smash pictures for his first birthday & they were AMAZING. My family absolutely loved them all! We had a wonderful experience too, very professional, friendly & outgoing. We got the best smiles out of my little … Read more
Stephanie made our newborn session a special experience! Her studio is clean, organized, and professional. She totally takes control by helping sooth the baby. She definitely has the most care and patience I’ve seen and a special vi… Read more
From boudoir to kids to family – this lady will amaze you with her ability to capture your moment! The kids photos are so life-like, real… showing the personality, the age, innocence, and mischievousness! Family portraits are fun, r… Read more
Stephanie has been taking our family photos for years and they never disappoint! She’s amazing with the kids and always gets so many great shots that I have a hard time making decisions on which to get. Pro tip – get the package that i… Read more
Words can’t express the amount of admiration I have for this photographer. She is capturing all of the biggest moments of my familys life. She has a natural talent that you cannot teach anyone. Her pictures are beautiful and she is so … Read more
We have been having our photos taken with Steph at least once a year for the past few years! Every time I book an appointment, I am so excited. she is amazing with kids and always gets pictures when I don’t think we will. We are st… Read more
My husband and I have had the pleasure of working with Stephanie 3 times now and it was always a wonderful experience. She makes you feel very comfortable in front of the camera and she was also just amazing with my son when he was onl… Read more
Stephanie from Raindance Photography did our amazing family photos, she was absolutely fantastic. My family “may” have been at each other’s throats mere seconds before arriving at her studio, but with her friendly, easy-going nature, … Read more
I am a firm believer in the importance of recommendation. I think that when someone, or a company (big or small) goes above and beyond your expectations you should not only tell them, but tell others! My husband and I had such a diff… Read more